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Casa da Moeda
Commemorative Coins
Desenhar Uma Moeda
Produtos sujeitos aos descontos
The Climate (Silver Proof) — Green
The climate was the theme chosen for the third edition of the contest "Draw a coin", a partnership with schools in the municipality of Guarda. Out of 582 proposals, the 1st prize was awarded to Tiago Ferreira, a 6th year student at Carolina Beatriz Ângelo School. This coin also resulted from the effort of students from all schools participating in the project, who were invited to collect plastic waste, to later be used to mint these 6000 coins.
The colored discs, symbolizing each of the three main colors of the recycling points, are a polymer made from recycled material, adapted to be integrated into the metal at the time of minting.
Note: sale limit of 1 coin per customer during the first month.